It's quite tough challenge.. because i need to memorize every lecture note then write it on a blank paper..
for this 1st memory challenge, Dr. Tan comments is quite touching.. but i know it's my fault because i'm late to the class.. then when i entered the class.. everything lost in my mind.. maybe i dropouts my memory when i'm rushing to the class.. MAYBE...
so this is the comments from Dr. Tan.. i don't need to show my blank paper.. because you know why..
for this 1st memory challenge, Dr. Tan comments is quite touching.. but i know it's my fault because i'm late to the class.. then when i entered the class.. everything lost in my mind.. maybe i dropouts my memory when i'm rushing to the class.. MAYBE...
so this is the comments from Dr. Tan.. i don't need to show my blank paper.. because you know why..
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jangan gelak.. |
First of all, these are my friend link..(just click their name@arrow below..)
And this is 10 Principle of Effective Advertising from the internet:source:
- Grab People
- Be Clever and Creative
- Speak Loudly
- Don't make them think (too much)
- Colors that pop but make sense
- Be Informative
- Stand Out and Be Memorable
- Give Off a Feeling
- Show Not Tell
- Use Humor : Use a Metaphor
From subjectivism view.,this is 4 criteria that i have made
In my opinion, based on the 10 principle above this video grab people to see it, because it make people asking them self "what's happen to the old lady in the ward?". Then the message fluently shows by the character. The colors of the video also make the sad situation, it make audience feel what the character want to say and also be memorable to the audience to respect older people n love them especially our parent as they love and care us before.
To improve this advertisement, i think they should add one more generation in this video. May be the third generation remember all these moment and tell to his child and told them to learn how to love older people otherwise they are not in relation.
p/s: credit to and my group member.
To improve this advertisement, i think they should add one more generation in this video. May be the third generation remember all these moment and tell to his child and told them to learn how to love older people otherwise they are not in relation.
p/s: credit to and my group member.
written by,
Well hello again.. and Assalamualaikum to all muslim..
Task 2 assignment reading for blogging., i'll be talking about EMOTIONAL DESIGN, WHY WE LOVE (OR HATE) EVERYDAY THINGS.. by DONALD A. NORMAN
In chapter two, The Multiple Faces of Emotion and Design., when looking of something , the three level take a place., it is positive in visceral of the first sight view.,seeing the attractive colour, the beautiful outfit, then turn negative when the experience come out from the previous memory. this is the appearance matters and the first impressions.
All these three level working are complex interact. these are the mapped to product characteristics.:
everyone have their own visceral, behavioral and reflective design., so that when design something,the designer must know their audiences., like ice cream maker, maybe some people like apple, then another like grapes..then they need to make it in these two flavor.
What about the object that evoke memories.., most of them will significant personal association, if they bring to mind pleasant, comforting moments. Perhaps more significant, however, is our attachment to places favorite corners of our homes, favorite locations, favorite views.
Then the memories reflected, some kind of feelings through our heart.the things will remind us about the families, friends, an experiences and some accomplishments. these self concept is the fundamental human attribute.
As we know the meaning of Visceral, Behavioral and Reflective., now we go through the design of it. Visceral design is nature is about initial reaction,it can be studied simple like seeing people reaction in front of a new design. Behavioral is all about use. the appearance and rational do not matters but performance do. Reflective is covers a lot of territory, it's about message, culture and the meaning of a product.
The conclusion is., all of the design is related each other with the emotional and feelings.
Task 2 assignment reading for blogging., i'll be talking about EMOTIONAL DESIGN, WHY WE LOVE (OR HATE) EVERYDAY THINGS.. by DONALD A. NORMAN
cover page |
on chapter one..Donald A. Norman start the new research of affect and emotion.,supported by Trantinsky and Herbert theory., he were constucting the new finding in the studies of affect and emotion. Emotion is belong to human,. Emotions play a critical role in human daily lives, whatever it is., bad or good. Althought emotions helps people thinking., "when people are relaxed and happy, their thought processes expand, becoming more creative, more imaginative" said Isen. so that the way the emotions affect daily life and our body part of muscle.
After that, The writer introduce about the three level of processing, it is visceral, behavioral and reflective. All these level used in our brain.
The three of the with a different level of thinking., visceral is the fasters. it is the reflected through the experience., it all in our mind., we know where to go before we arrived there. The behavioral level is reflected to the human skill itself., if you always typing using keyboard and you masters the keyword placement ,then your hand immediately know were the word is while your eye is looking at the monitor. Than consciously thinking of something else is at the reflective level.
All of these three level is interact each other., it is focus and creativity., just i said above when people happy.,they be more creative and focus on what they doing. Although the visceral level is simplest and most primitive but it is sensitive to a wide condition. All the conditon like,:
will appear the positive affect:
will appear the positive affect:warm, comfortably lit places,temperate climate,sweet tastes and smells,bright, highly saturated hues,"soothing" sounds and simple melodies and rhythms,harmonious music and sounds,caresses,smiling faces,rhythmic beats,"attractive" people,symmetrical objects,rounded, smooth objects,"sensuous" feelings, sounds, and shapes.
All of these is naturally programmed on human systems.heights,sudden, unexpected loud sounds or bright lights,"looming" objects (objects that appear to be about to hit theobserver),extreme hot or cold,darkness,extremely bright lights or loud sounds,empty, flat terrain (deserts),crowded dense terrain (jungles or forests),crowds of people,rotting smells, decaying foodsbitter tastes,sharp objects,harsh, abrupt sounds,grating and discordant sounds,misshapen human bodies,snakes and spiders,human feces (and its smell),other people's body fluids,vomit.
In chapter two, The Multiple Faces of Emotion and Design., when looking of something , the three level take a place., it is positive in visceral of the first sight view.,seeing the attractive colour, the beautiful outfit, then turn negative when the experience come out from the previous memory. this is the appearance matters and the first impressions.
All these three level working are complex interact. these are the mapped to product characteristics.:
Visceral design > Appearence
Behavioral design > The pleasure and effectiveness of use
Reflective design > Self-image, personal satisfacation, memories
everyone have their own visceral, behavioral and reflective design., so that when design something,the designer must know their audiences., like ice cream maker, maybe some people like apple, then another like grapes..then they need to make it in these two flavor.
What about the object that evoke memories.., most of them will significant personal association, if they bring to mind pleasant, comforting moments. Perhaps more significant, however, is our attachment to places favorite corners of our homes, favorite locations, favorite views.
Then the memories reflected, some kind of feelings through our heart.the things will remind us about the families, friends, an experiences and some accomplishments. these self concept is the fundamental human attribute.
"the real problem had nothing to do with the product's intrinsic value, but instead represented the emotional connection that links a product to it's user"yes, it is related. emotional feeling and the things we need and see. The personality of product is about the brand and companies.Other wise the personality can be change., for the goodness., maybe for the difference audiences, or differences flavor and types..
As we know the meaning of Visceral, Behavioral and Reflective., now we go through the design of it. Visceral design is nature is about initial reaction,it can be studied simple like seeing people reaction in front of a new design. Behavioral is all about use. the appearance and rational do not matters but performance do. Reflective is covers a lot of territory, it's about message, culture and the meaning of a product.
The conclusion is., all of the design is related each other with the emotional and feelings.
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805) |
"i shall be speaking of a subject which is closely related to the better portion of our happiness, and not far removed from the moral nobility of human nature".(first letter)The quote state that schiller's aesthetics philosophy is part of our life. Consists natural human being and sometimes changes but it still not to far from the human moral or nature life. The changes is because of the surrounding and time maybe. so do this."i shall be pleading the cause of beauty before a heart that perceives and exercises her whole power, and, in an enquiry where one is compelled to appeal as often to feelings as to principles, will take upon itself the heaviest part of my labour."(first letter)
Schiller also said that ,"i will, to be sure, not conceal from you the fact that it is Kantian principles upon which the propositions that follow will for the most part be based: but you must attribute it to my incapacity, not to those principles, if in the course of these enquiries you should be reminded of any particular school of philosophy.". It shows that he is confidently agree with Kantian but probably not at all. Schiller and Kantian had the difference theory, both of them is a philosopher but Schiller still can accept it.
In the second letter, word "art" and "freedom" attracted me.
"The course of events has given a direction to the spirit of the age which threatens to remove it even futher from the art of the ideal."
"This Art must abandon actuality and sour with becoming boldness above necessity; for art is a daughter of freedom, and must receive her commission from the needs of spirits, not from the exigency of matter"why schiller said "art is a daughter of freedom"., maybe there some kind of relation between art and freedom connected through the imagination or a spirit that can appear through the art work.
"The fact that i am resisting this delightful temptation, and allowing beauty to have precedence of freedom, i believe i can not merely defend by inclination but justify on principle."He also state that beauty is part of freedom, that just can be judge by the principle. At the end of second letter he start connecting freedom-beauty and the political.
Third letter., "Nature begins with Man no better than with the rest of her works: she acts for him where he cannot yet act as a free intelligence for himself."
"The great consideration is, therefore, that physical society in time may not cease for an instant while moral society is being formed in idea, that for the sake of human dignity its very existence may not be endangered."
"The important thing, therefore, is to dissociate caprice from the physical and freedom from the moral character; to make the first conformable with law, the seconds dependent on impressions; remove the former somewhat further from matter in order to bring the letter somewhere nearer to it"Through the schiller's quotes we know the objective of the material drive is physical reality, while the objective of the moral drive is formal reality. The aesthetic ideal of beauty is defined by a unity of physical and formal reality. the first and second character mention above related to develop the third character it is the physical and the moral - paving the way to a transition from the sway of more force to that of law, without preventing the proper development of the moral character, but serving rather as a pledge in the sensuous sphere of a morality in the unseen.
"this much is certain: only predominance of such a character among a people can complete without harm the transformation of a state according to moral principles and only such a character too can guarantee its perpetuation"
" totality of character must therefore be found in a people that is capable and worthy of exchanging the state of need for the state of freedom"in this letter, mostly he describe about the third character that the state need., as the quotes above.
lastly, the fifth letter.,
"we disown nature in her rightful sphere only to experience her tyranny in the sphere of morality, and in resisting her influences we recieve from her our principle"
"we submit our free judgement to its despotic sanction, our feeling to its fantastic customs, our will to its seductions; only our caprice do we assert against its sacred rights."above some of the words in the letter that attract me most from others., the spirit shown that they work together towards their principle.
Conclusion is aesthetic education can produce not only an increased level of awareness or receptivity to the world but can also produce an increased intensity in the determining activity of the intellect which enables the individual to experience physical and spiritual freedom. Either beauty-art-freedom-political-human character all these words art working together toward their own spirits.